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Why Construction Robotics & AI Are Posed To Change The Industry

Why Construction Robotics & AI Are Posed To Change The Industry

Construction comes under one of the sectors where most of the work is done by manual labor. The rest of the world has already gone far enough when it comes to usage of robots and artificial intelligence, so why is the construction industry just starting to show signs of evolution?

Why is it that we see so many people working in the construction area more than any other place?

The answer to this question is not very complex to understand. The robots that are generally used in the other industries are made for some repetitive task whereas in the construction, this is not the case.

In a construction site the robot would have to adapt to the real-time variability, but this requires a lot of programming which makes it highly expensive. The work might get efficient but the cost is way high to manage. Without the probability of efficiency, changes never occur.

But in the last few years, the industry has started to find solutions for these types of problems. New robots are being manufactured every year that are not very expensive and can qualify for being used in the construction sites.

This is not only making the industry more efficient in terms of finance but also ensuring more safety. For example, traffic cones that use solar panels, alarm systems, etc.

Let us see a few points on how construction robotics and AI will change the industry forever.

Use Of 3d Printers And Demolition Robots

A few years ago, complex planning involving many steps was required before starting construction to get a proper idea about the project. But since the use of 3D printers, although the planning is still somewhat complex, steps are a little shorter and easier than they used to be.

The parts of the construction are printed on the work site and then quickly assembled. Unlike before, many calculations and complexions are not required for this process.

Use of demolition robots has also started getting more popular these days. The fact that a demolition robot is quite slower than the demolition crew is not a problem because it is way cheaper and ensures more security, making this tool more efficient.

Less Workforce Required

Even though robots and AI can not operate alone in a construction site, what they can do is decrease the workforce. When this happens, the places which required many people to do tasks that were quite difficult and also dangerous, now need only a bunch of people to work and they are in a safer environment.

In this process a worker and a machine work hand in hand. Usually the work of a machine is to conduct all the repetitive tasks like taking a heavy material from one place to another while the worker manages the complex tasks like choosing the material. This process can also be seen in other industries like automotive industries.

Working with An Ai

Construction sites need to be managed on a large scale. There are different calculations to be made like the amount of materials required, calculating the payments of the works, ensuring that bills are being paid, etc.

Different types of AI like Amazon’s Alexa and Siri can be used for such tasks. The AI has no chance of getting an error and also the data can be saved within the cloud.

In the past, these kinds of responsibilities were handled by hiring more people. And even if a few workers are hired just for doing such tasks, there is a possibility of human error. AI ensures the solution to these problems.

What Do We Need To Realize

The future is here and denying it won’t help. Slowly , the construction industry is realizing that the use of new technologies, robots and AI is very profitable. That is why we are seeing a revolution and the changes that the companies are implementing.

We need to accept that and try to work with the changing reality.

In the coming future, due to this massive change in the industry, jobs are going to get limited. Certain skills that are useful today might not be of use in a few years, so you should be ready for that.

As technology grows, so will the efficiency in the work and so will the workforce decrease. Changes are right around the corner and we need to be ready for that.

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